
Terms and conditions of Single service portal
Post-payment requisites:
RP SIA „Rīgas satiksme”
Unified registration number 40003619950
AS „Citadele banka”, PARXLV22
Account No. LV65 PARX 0006 0486 4004 5
Purpose of payment: indicate the notification number, vehicle’s registration number and the date of use of a paid parking lot.
Information phone:
Parking Lots Office:
Atgāzenes Street 24a, Riga, LV-1004
See on map
Customer service is provided only remotely.
Contact phones: 67605843 (Working hours: Mon.- Thurs: 07.30 - 16.30, Fri: 07.30 - 14.00)
Post-payment is applied in the following cases:
- if the time of using a paid parking lot is exceeded by 5 minutes and no prepayment has been effected for the use of the parking lot by a parking meter, the SMS-payment service, a resident’s card or a monthly card;
- the expected time of using the paid parking lot has been prepaid, yet the actual time of using the paid parking lot exceeds the prepaid time of using the paid parking lot by more than 15 minutes;
- when effecting the prepayment by a parking meter or the SMS-payment service, the vehicle’s state registration number has been entered incorrectly;
- if the prepayment has been effected for a lower tariff zone;
- if no valid parking document (a resident’s card or a monthly card, to which more than one vehicle is attached, a disabled person’s parking card) has been put on the vehicle’s dashboard or the document has been put there but its number, validity date and safety labels are not visible;
- a vehicle to which a post-payment notice has been already applied uses a parking lot at the address not mentioned in the notice or after the notice issue date.
The post-payment tariffs, as well as the procedure of their application, payment, collection and disputing is set Riga City Council binding regulations No. 206.
- A reduced post-payment amount (-20%) applies if the following conditions are met:
- the user of the paid parking lot agrees with the notice and does not submit a claim to cancel it;
- the payment is effected within 10 days after the notice issue date;
- the payment is effected at "Rīgas satiksme" customer service centres, in a parking meter, at a parking lots office of RP SIA "Rīgas satiksme" - Atgāzenes Street 24a;
- Charge by bank transfer.
The post-payment tariffs, as well as the procedure of their application, payment, collection and disputing is set Riga City Council binding regulations No. 206.
Post-payment tariffs
If the user of a pay parking lot has not prepaid for the use of the pay parking lot, the actual time of using the parking lot exceeds the prepaid time by more than 60 minutes, the document confirming the payment is not located as required or the payment is effected in a lower tariff zone, the user shall pay an mount equalling 7 hour tariff for each calendar day which is a working day of the parking lot in zones A, B, C, R, D and V according to the following rates:
- 20.50 EUR per day – in zone A;
- 17 EUR per day – in zone B;
- 13.50 EUR per day – in zone C;
- 53 EUR per day – in zone R;
- 10 EUR per day – in zone D;
- 6 EUR per day - in zone V.
If the user of the paid parking lot effected prepayment for the use of the paid parking lot - including in the tariff zone where the fee for the use of the paid parking lot is higher and the actual time of use of the paid parking lot exceeds the paid time for the use of the paid parking lot by more than 15 minutes, but does not exceed 60 minutes, the user of the paid parking lot shall make subsequent payment for the use of the paid parking lot on that day in the amount of five times the hourly rate in the territory of zones A, B, C, R and D according to the following rate:
- 14,50 EUR per day – in zone A;
- 12 EUR per day – in zone B;
- 9.50 EUR per day – in zone C;
- 37 EUR per day – in zone R;
- 7 EUR per day – in zone D.
The post-payment tariffs, as well as the procedure of their application, payment, collection and disputing is set Riga City Council binding regulations No. 206.
Using pay parking lot with post-payment notice
If a post-payment notice is received, it allows parking the car in the indicated parking lot until the end of the day concerned without additional payment.
Claim against post-payment notice being applied
The user of the paid parking lot has the right to submit a claim to cancel the post-payment notice within 30 days after the issue of the notice:
- in an electronically signed format;
- by sending a personally signed claim by regular mail;
- at RP SIA “Rīgas satiksme” customer service centres.
In the claim to cancel the post-payment notice, the user of the paid parking lots provides the following information:
- the vehicle’s model and state registration number;
- the paid parking lot user data;
- the place, date and time of issuing the post-payment notice, the address of the paid parking lot;
- the number of the notice;
- a good reason for cancelling the notice.
My parking post-payment notices
Information on the applied post-payment notices is available on single service portal online for registered users only. Use of the portal is free. The single service portal’s terms of use are available here.
For individuals:
- register in the portal;
- enter the information on the vehicle and add a copy of its registration certificate (both sides);
- receive information on the applied post-payment notices.
For legal entities:- A contract must be signed in order to use the portal.