Qualification system

Qualification system: “Supply of tools, equipment and spare parts” (identification No. RS/2024/38)::

Qualification system for "Supply of hardware, hardware accessories and spare parts, multicentres and printing toners" (identification No. RS/2024/25)::

Qualification system for "Supply of hardware, hardware accessories and spare parts, multicentres and printing toners" (identification No. RS/2024/25):

Qualification system 'Supply of non-ferrous, ferrous and structural metals' (identification No. RS/2022/65):

Qualification system “Supply of electrical materials, lighting and electronics” (Identification No. RS/2020/54):

Qualification system „Supply of spare parts for public transport” (Identification No. RS/2019/22):

No specific deadline is set for submitting applications, which may be submitted throughout the qualification system maintenance period. Electronic applications shall be e-mailed to sekretariats@rigassatiksme.lv, signed with secure electronic signature and have an electronic time stamp on them.

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