Procurement procedure “Technical and economic research for the development of clean and zero emission public transport vehicles and the infrastructure necessary for their use in the public transport route network of the city of Riga”

Riga municipal limited liability company „Rīgas satiksme”, Riga, Vestienas Street 35, LV-1035, tel. 67104800, fax 67104802, informs about the announced procurement procedure “Technical and economic research for the development of clean and zero emission public transport vehicles and the infrastructure necessary for their use in the public transport route network of the city of Riga” (identification No. RS/2022/19).

Address with the electronic procurement system – May 16, 2022, 15.00.

Address with the electronic procurement system


Answers to the questions (09.05.2022.)

Answers to the questions (12.05.2022.)

Summary of financial offers

The procurement procedure is terminated due to the need to modify the selection requirements and the evaluation criteria for the offers.

Date of decision: 15.09.2022.

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